Creating Resources ================== .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 kuber offers a number of different ways to create Kubernetes resources depending upon the desired usage pattern. We'll start by looking at how to create resources individually as that will be the most familiar, but grouping resources into bundling is a useful alternative pattern shown further below. Individual Resources -------------------- A high-level ``new_resource`` function exists to conveniently load resources from the top-level package. .. autofunction:: kuber.new_resource .. code-block:: python import kuber from kuber.latest import apps_v1 d: apps_v1.Deployment = kuber.new_resource( api_version="apps/v1", kind="Deployment", name="my-deployment" ) However, resources can also be created directly from an import in much the same way: .. code-block:: python from kuber.latest import batch_v1 j = batch_v1.Job() = "my-job` Both approaches end up producing the same result, an instance of the desired Kubernetes resource on which to operate. However, kuber also has a number of ways to load resources from configuration data in JSON or YAML format. .. autofunction:: kuber.from_yaml_file .. code-block:: python import kuber from kuber.latest import batch_v1 job: batch_v1.Job = kuber.from_yaml_file("my-job.yaml") job.metadata.labels.update(component="app") .. autofunction:: kuber.from_yaml .. code-block:: python import kuber from kuber.latest import batch_v1 pod: core_v1.Pod = kuber.from_yaml( """ apiVersion: core/v1 kind: Pod metadata: name: my-pod spec: containers: - image: python:3.8 """ ) pod.spec.containers[0].name = "python" .. autofunction:: kuber.from_json_file .. code-block:: python import kuber from kuber.latest import core_v1 service: core_v1.Service = kuber.from_yaml_file("my-service.yaml") service.spec.selector.update(environment="production") .. autofunction:: kuber.from_dict .. code-block:: python import kuber from kuber.latest import batch_v1 pod: core_v1.Pod = kuber.from_yaml({ "apiVersion": "core/v1", "kind": "Pod", "metadata": {"name": "my-pod"}, "spec": { "containers": [{"image": "python:3.8"}] } }) pod.spec.containers[0].name = "python" Multiple Resources ------------------ Creating and managing multiple resources collectively in kuber is done through ``ResourceBundle`` objects that contain a list of resource objects and have convenience functions for managing that list of resources collectively. There are a few top-level convenience functions available for initializing bundles from existing configuration files: .. autofunction:: kuber.from_file .. autofunction:: kuber.from_directory .. autofunction:: kuber.from_directory_files Empty ``ResourceBundles`` can also be created and then populated after creation using the same functionality available as methods on the bundle object. .. autofunction:: kuber.create_bundle