Command Line Interface

While kuber can be used in many different ways to manage resources, the most common path is to generate a resource bundle and then manage that bundle on the cluster with basic CRUD operations. To facilitate the ease of that workflow, ResourceBundle objects have a .cli() method that exposes the CRUD operations on that bundle to the command line. A basic example of how this would work looks like this:

import kuber

if __name__ == "__main__":
    # Load the current cluster configuration from `kubeconfig`
    # into kuber for access to operate on the cluster.

    # Load bundle resources from the configuration files
    # stored in the local *./some/directory* directory.
    bundle = kuber.from_directory("./some/directory")

    # Add environment labels to all of the loaded resources.
    for resource in bundle.resources:

    # Expose the bundle CRUD operations as a command
    # line interface.

The bundle.cli() command here will parse arguments from the command line and execute the CRUD operation based on those commands. If we saved the above code to file as, we could then carry out CRUD operations from the command line:

$ python3 create

to create the resources in the cluster,

$ python3 status

to get the statuses of the resources in the cluster, and

$ python3 delete

to remove the resources from the cluster.

Advanced Command Line Interface

In more complex scenarios, exposing additional command line interface arguments would be helpful for more flexibility in how the resource bundle is managed. In these cases, a callback can be used that will allow for additional configuration of the bundle prior to the command line action being carried out.

Consider the previous example where environment=”production” was essentially hard-coded into the bundle. If we wanted to make defining the environment value part of the CLI, we could refactor the above example like this:

import argparse

import kuber

def configure(action: kuber.CommandAction):
    Configure the bundle based on additional command line flags.
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
    parser.add_argument("--environment", default="development")

    args = parser.parse_args(action.custom_args)

    bundle = action.bundle
    for resource in bundle.resources:

if __name__ == "__main__":
    # Load the current cluster configuration from `kubeconfig`
    # into kuber for access to operate on the cluster.

    # Load bundle resources from the configuration files
    # stored in the local *./some/directory* directory.
    bundle = kuber.from_directory("./some/directory")

    # Expose the bundle CRUD operations as a command
    # line interface, but invoke the CLI with the
    # specified callback before executing the action
    # to allow for additional configuration based on
    # the custom command line arguments supplied.

The same result as the previous example can then be achieved with the commands:

$ python3 create --environment=production

to create the resources in the cluster,

$ python3 status

to get the statuses of the resources in the cluster, and

$ python3 delete

to remove the resources from the cluster.

Invocation-Only Command Line Interface

The advanced example from above can be refactored yet again such that all of the configuration is carried out within the callback. In this case there is a convenience function kuber.cli() that simplifies bundle creation and CLI execution with the pre-execution callback. Refactoring the example from above would look like this:

import argparse

import kuber

def configure(action: kuber.CommandAction):
    Configure the bundle entirely within this callback function.
    An empty bundle was created already and passed into this
    function as a member of the `action` object. Whatever changes
    are made to the bundle within this function will be reflected
    when the command line interface action is carried out after
    this function execution is complete.
    bundle = action.bundle

    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
    parser.add_argument("--environment", default="development")
    args = parser.parse_args(action.custom_args)

    # Load the current cluster configuration from `kubeconfig`
    # into kuber for access to operate on the cluster.

    # Load bundle resources from the configuration files
    # stored in the local *./some/directory* directory.

    for resource in bundle.resources:

if __name__ == "__main__":
    # Expose the bundle CRUD operations as a command
    # line interface, but invoke the CLI with the
    # specified callback before executing the action
    # to allow for additional configuration based on
    # the custom command line arguments supplied.